Migration can be a deeply traumatic experience. Individuals travel thousands of miles in dangerous and unhealthy conditions, with limited access to food, shelter or medical care. The increase in vulnerability as a result of migration can put children and youth at risk for gender-based violence. This may include violence and exploitation by traffickers, civil servants, staff from public institutions, other migrants, or even their own family.

This online course has been designed for professionals who come into contact with children and youth on the move. The focus is on building the knowledge and capacity to prevent, identify, and respond to gender-based violence (GBV). Through this course, enrolled participants will develop greater skills and awareness of how to best support children and youth on the move who may have been exposed to or impacted by GBV, currently, while on the move, or in their country of origin. However, any person interested to learn more about this subject is welcome to take the course.

This course is divided into several micro-learning modules designed to be completed in one sitting. If you are new to this subject, we recommend completing the modules in sequence. Otherwise, you may view them in any order you wish and return to them as needed for reference.

Modules of the course include:

  1. Introduction
    2. Recognizing Signs of Gender-Based Violence
    3. Responding to Gender-Based Violence
    4. Preventing Gender-Based Violence
    5. Practicing Self Care
    6. Conclusion

This is a free, self-paced online course which should take you about one hour to complete.

The course is available in English (enroll below), Dutch, French, Greek and Romanian. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from ChildHub.

In order to take the course, you must create an account on platform. ChildHub is a community of child protection professionals, initiated by Terre des hommes and its partners in 2015. The online platform has more than 7000 members from all over the world.


This online course was prepared within the framework of the Building Relationships through Innovative Development of Gender-Based Violence Awareness in Europe (BRIDGE) regional project. The BRIDGE project is a two-year project implemented between 2018 and 2020 under the lead of Terre des hommes Regional Office for Europe in partnership with Arsis – Association for the Social Support of Youth (Greece), Defence for Children International – DCI Belgium, FEDASIL (Belgium), Kopin (Malta), and Terre des hommes Romania. The BRIDGE project is supported by the European Union’s Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020).

The content of this online course represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

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