Heightened vulnerabilities are associated with the increased movement of children and families across Europe, and there are many complex challenges for professionals and NGOs in supporting these families from diverse cultural backgrounds with a variety of needs.

This e-learning module has been designed to support professionals and students to have a deeper understanding about the challenging policy and practical environments in which social workers and NGO staff operate. 

This self-paced English course is interactive, and it gives the opportunity to follow Ali and his family during their journey from Syria across Europe via the map, to hear the voices of the family members, and to reflect on their needs and experiences.

There are tasks to do along the way and links to research, information and policy, suggested relevant theory, practice and etchical issues for consideration and reflection, overall the e-learning package highlights key areas for deliberation, which may also be pertinent to different situations, individuals and countries.

This course is designed for those who are interested to increase knowledge and reflect on

- the international policy and practice frameworks relating to children on the move and the obligations they place on the member states

- the main elements of the asylum process and reflect upon the role of professionals within this system

- the practical issues facing professionals whose role it is to assess and support families on the move

- the issues faced by families on the move

- the challenges of transnational child protection work.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion from ChildHub.

In order to take the course, you must create an account on platform. ChildHub is a community of child protection professionals, initiated by Terre des hommes and its partners in 2015. The online platform has more than 10.000 members from all over the world.

This e-learning module is part of a wider Erasmus+ funded project in which colleagues from the Universtiy of Tirana, New Bulgaria University, University of Prishtina, University of Bucharest, University of Belgrade, State Pedagogical University of Chisinau, in partnership with Terre des hommes and the Universities of Kent and Stirling (UK), collaboratively developed child protection modules for qualifying social work programmes in each of the partner countries.